Vocational Education and Training (VET) - RTO 30399

Vocational education and training (VET) enables students to gain qualifications for all types of employment, and specific skills to help them in the workplace.
Student achievement in accredited vocational education qualifications is based on industry-endorsed competency standards and is recorded on the Senior Certificate. The Senior Certificate is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), and this may give advanced standing towards a traineeship or apprenticeship and/or credit on entry to courses at TAFE Institutes and other registered training organisations.
VET Qualifications contribute to the Queensland Certificate of Education if the required standard is reached.
Mirani State High School offers the FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways to students in Year 10-12. This certificate has the following competencies:
| Use routine strategies for work-related learning
| Calculate with whole numbers and familiar fractions, decimals and percentages for work
| Estimate, measure and calculate with routine metric measurements for work
| Use familiar and routine maps and plans for work
| Use strategies to respond to routine workplace problems
| Complete routine workplace formatted texts
| Write routine workplace texts
| Interact effectively with others at work
| Read and respond to information in routine visual and graphic texts
| Read and respond to routine workplace information
| Use digital technology for routine and simple workplace task
| Follow work health and safety procedures
| Maintain petty cash account
Students can engage in individual pathway planning by negotiation with the Senior Schooling team before enrolment.
Unique student identifier
The USI (Unique Student Identifier) was introduced nationally on 1 January 2015 for all students studying VET qualifications. The school is not permitted to issue Statements of Attainment or Certificates unless students have a USI recorded with Mirani State High School. After students obtain a USI, they must provide the Head of Senior Schooling with the USI number.
Applications for USI numbers are included in Year 9 information packages which are distributed to students as part of the enrolment process for year 10.
USI Fact Sheet (PDF, 156KB)
Complaints and appeals policy
Mirani State High School has a Complaints and Appeals Policy that applies to all students studying a VET course. See Student Handbook (PDF, 373KB).
School Based Apprentices and Traineeships (SATS)
School based apprenticeships and traineeships combine school, work and off-the-job training giving a student the opportunity to earn while they learn.
The program is designed for students in years 11 and 12 however students in year 10 can participate with approval from the principal.
Benefits of a School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship
- Earn while you learn
- Contribute credit points toward the Queensland Certificate Education (QCE)
- Gain a nationally endorsed qualification
- Receive practical on the job training
- Improve confidence and communication skills
More information
For more information contact:
HOD Senior Schooling - Ms Sandy Grace - 49667111
SAT Co-ordinator - Mrs Cathryn Zonca-Post - 49667111
Guidance Officer - Mr Shaun Hutchinson - 49667111