Contact details
Telephone: +61 (07) 4966 7111
Facsimile: +61 (07) 4966 7100
Postal address
Mirani State High School
PO Box 58
Office hours
Office hours: 8am to 3.45pm Monday to Friday
Student absence
A note signed & dated by a parent/guardian must be presented to the school on the first day of return from absence or a call made to the School Absence Line (07) 4966 7160.
A valid reason for absence must be given or the absence will be treated as an 'unauthorised absence'. Unauthorised absences have repercussions for Youth Allowance and attendance requirements for course completion in Years 11 and 12. The school will not make retrospective adjustments for absences for the purpose of Youth Allowance payments.
Access our Facebook page External link.
National Relay Service
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS) External link. This is an Australia-wide phone and internet service.