
Dress code


The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) of Mirani State High School has resolved that it supports a uniform (school student dress code) policy for Mirani State High School because it believes that a uniform (school student dress code) policy promotes the objectives of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006.

In particular, the P&C supports the intention of a student dress code in providing a safe and supportive teaching and learning environment as it:

  • promotes a safe and healthy environment for all students limiting the potential for injury and/or disease
  • promotes a safe environment for learning by enabling ready identification of students and non-students of the school
  • promotes an effective teaching and learning environment by eliminating the distraction of competition in dress and fashion at the school
  • fosters mutual respect among individuals at the school by minimising visible evidence of economic, class or social differences
  • promotes a supportive environment at the school by fostering a sense of belonging
  • promotes a sense of discipline and compliance, useful later on in life where workforce employment may have a uniform policy.

Students are expected to wear the correct uniform every day. This may be the formal school uniform or the sports uniform. Students must own at least one formal school uniform.

The school will negotiate access to uniforms with students or families who are otherwise unable to afford costs of uniforms. This may include the provision or temporary loan of second hand uniforms. Apart from exceptional circumstances determined by the school administration on an individual basis, students dressed out of uniform will be loaned a school uniform for the day. For health and hygiene purposes these uniforms are washed daily after use.

School staff are expected to implement and monitor compliance with the school’s uniform (school student dress code) policy. Valid reasons for being out of school uniform must be given in writing and dated and signed by a parent or guardian. Students must present this signed note to the office for a uniform pass. Students may be loaned a school uniform for the day. Non-compliance with the uniform policy alone will not incur sanctions at such a high level as exclusions, cancellation of enrolment or suspensions. However, persistent non-compliance with the school uniform policy will be taken as indicative of refusal to cooperate with the school’s code of behaviour and has consequences as part of the school’s behaviour management policy and procedures.

When a student has practical Physical Education classes, a t-shirt should be brought to school so that a change can be made before and after that particular class. This t-shirt should only be worn for the duration of the Physical Education class. Students are expected to wear the school uniform for the rest of the day and to and from school.

Last reviewed 23 June 2020
Last updated 23 June 2020