The Year 9 Compulsory Core curriculum is made up of:
English (8) lessons of English
Eight (8) lessons of Mathematics
Six (6) lessons of Science
Four (4) lessons each of History and HPE
Four (4) lessons of the Wellbeing Program
Each semester students study a choice of two different elective units of study. Over the year a student must study a minimum of one (1) subject from The Arts and one (1) subject from the Technology faculty. Students therefore study a total of four (4) different elective subjects in Year 9.
- The Compulsory Core program continues throughout the year
- All students must choose one (1) Arts and one (1) Technology subject over the course of the year
- Four (4) different electives are to be chosen; two (2) for Semester 1 and two (2) for Semester 2
- Electives are offered subject to class sizes and available human resource and facilities.